I had been dreading the trip to John Brown University since I first heard about it. Every time it was mentioned I had to force myself to hold back a physical grimmace. It was very clear that I did not want to go to JBU for the Link Year conference at all. The other Link Year students from Kanakuk were all going to be there. A solid group of 31 kids who all knew and loved each other. We (Cody and I) were going to be the two weird kids, knowing nobody but each other. The thought of it was dreadful. I had nightmares the entire night before, and woke up with horrible anxiety. The thought of going was eating me up. I couldn't stand it. I had a horrible attitude, but somehow, God worked around it, like He always does. I was compliant, and He was persistant.
Much to my dismay, I quickly made friends from the Kanakuk group. Cody and I weren't the outcasts after all. Conner Baxter, one of my friends that I have known since the elementary school age was there with the group from Kanakuk giving me an easy in. I was introduced to people, and soon found myself laughing and doing life with people that an hour ago were complete strangers. We had real talks, worked out (which I usually hate), and read the Bible together as if we had known each other for years. It was simple, really. I was inspired by these people who so openly put their hearts on the line. They poured into me, and I consequently had the chance to do the same. I am looking forward to seeing where these friendships will progress as all of us go on to life outside of the Link Year world.
John Brown is beautiful, by the way. I love the campus and the classroom atmosphere. If I were going to choose a college to go to, that would be it. It fits me like a glove. I have never been more proud to say that I am taking classes from such an incredible college. The professors were amazing, the student life was incredible, and I was inspired.
I love how God surprises us, and in the moments of insecurity He shows up and we feel a little silly. What a mighty God we serve, what great love He lavishes upon His children...Love God, love others! Beth
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